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O constructo de escolha vocacional tem sido objeto de estudo de muitos teóricos e várias propostas foram formuladas visando a sua adoção para se compreender o processo de tomada de decisão. O processo de escolhas enforma a construção de trajetos vocacionais em jovens, tendo inerente marcas emocionais, cognitivas e comportamentais resultantes das relações que o sujeito estabelece com os seus contextos de vida.
O presente trabalho procura situar-se neste campo, ao privilegiar o estudo do processo de escolhas e da tomada de decisão em jovens e a relação estabelecida com dimensões da inteligência emocional, enquanto agregador de competências sociais e emocionais. Mais concretamente teve como propósito compreender em que medida a exposição a um programa de competências sociais e emocionais terá interferido com a atitude dos jovens face à escolha e à decisão vocacional em alunos da ilha de S. Miguel.
Contemplou 2 estudos com características similares, mas abordando públicos-alvo distintos. A amostra do estudo 1 incidiu sobre 420 alunos, de ambos os sexos, do 8.º ano de escolaridade, de diferentes escolas secundárias da ilha de S. Miguel, divididos num grupo experimental (n=228) e num grupo controlo (n =192). O estudo 2 contou com 50 alunos, de ambos os sexos, do 10.º ano de escolaridade, a frequentar o ensino regular (n =38) e profissional (n =12) de uma escola secundária da ilha de S. Miguel.
Os dados foram recolhidos através do "Career Decision Scale (CDS)", versão para investigação de Taveira (1997), da "Escala de Inteligência Emocional" de Rego e Fernandes (2005) versão reduzida de Carvalho e Caldeira (2014) e de um diário de bordo.
Os resultados no estudo 1 apontam, no momento pós intervenção, para correlações positivas entre a tomada de decisão e a inteligência emocional, sugerindo que jovens com resultados mais elevados na subescala certeza (da CDS) relativamente ao seu futuro vocacional tendem a apresentar bons indicadores de inteligência emocional e, portanto, competências para se relacionarem com pessoas e situações de modo funcional, eficaz e eficiente. No que concerne ao impacto da intervenção, considera-se que esta teve impacto nas variáveis em estudo, observando-se valores significativos. No estudo 2, também se verifica, no momento pós intervenção, uma correlação positiva entre a subescala certeza (da CDS) e a inteligência emocional, e uma correlação negativa entre a subescala da indecisão (da CDS) e a inteligência emocional, sugerindo que a segurança e a determinação quanto ao futuro aumentam com ganhos ao nível da inteligência emocional.
Deste modo, parecem justificar-se intervenções educativas que promovam as competências sociais e emocionais, visto essas competências mostrarem-se importantes no âmbito da escolha e decisão vocacional e, por conseguinte, na construção de trajetos de vida.
ABSTRACT: The construct of career choice has been studied by many theorists, and several proposals to adopt it in order to understand the process of decision making have been formulated. The process of choice shapes the construction of vocational paths in young people, having inherent emotional, cognitive and behavioral marks as a result of the relationships that the subject establishes with their life contexts. The present work seeks to place itself in this field, by privileging the study of the process of choosing and decision making in young people and the relationship with emotional intelligence dimensions while aggregator of social and emotional skills. Specifically, this work aimed to understand whether the exposure to a social and emotional skills program have interfered with the attitude of young people towards the choice and vocational decision amongst students on the island of São Miguel. It contemplated two studies with similar characteristics, but addressing distinct audiences. The sample of study 1 covered 420 students, of both genders, in the 8th grade, from different high schools on the island of São Miguel, divided into an experimental group (n=28) and a control group (n=192). Study 2 included 50 students from both genders, in the 10th grade, attending regular education (n=38) and vocational education (n=12) at a high school on the island of São Miguel. Data were gathered through "Career Decision Scale (CDS)", Taveira research version (1997), "Escala de Inteligência Emocional", Rego e Fernandes (2005) Carvalho e Caldeira (2014) short version, and a logbook. The results in study 1 show, after intervention, positive correlations between decision making and emotional intelligence, suggesting that young people with highest scores on the CDS certainty subscale regarding their vocational future tend to provide good indicators of emotional intelligence and therefore skills to relate to people and situations in a functional, effective and efficient way. Regarding the impact of the intervention, it is considered that it had an impact on the studied variables, observing significant values. In study 2 there is a positive correlation between the CDS certainty subscale and emotional intelligence, and a negative correlation between the CDS uncertainty subscale and emotional intelligence, suggesting that the confidence and determination about the future increase with benefits to emotional intelligence. Thus seem justified educational interventions that promote and teach social and emotional skills, as these skills are important in the context of choice and vocational decision and, therefore, the construction of paths of life.
ABSTRACT: The construct of career choice has been studied by many theorists, and several proposals to adopt it in order to understand the process of decision making have been formulated. The process of choice shapes the construction of vocational paths in young people, having inherent emotional, cognitive and behavioral marks as a result of the relationships that the subject establishes with their life contexts. The present work seeks to place itself in this field, by privileging the study of the process of choosing and decision making in young people and the relationship with emotional intelligence dimensions while aggregator of social and emotional skills. Specifically, this work aimed to understand whether the exposure to a social and emotional skills program have interfered with the attitude of young people towards the choice and vocational decision amongst students on the island of São Miguel. It contemplated two studies with similar characteristics, but addressing distinct audiences. The sample of study 1 covered 420 students, of both genders, in the 8th grade, from different high schools on the island of São Miguel, divided into an experimental group (n=28) and a control group (n=192). Study 2 included 50 students from both genders, in the 10th grade, attending regular education (n=38) and vocational education (n=12) at a high school on the island of São Miguel. Data were gathered through "Career Decision Scale (CDS)", Taveira research version (1997), "Escala de Inteligência Emocional", Rego e Fernandes (2005) Carvalho e Caldeira (2014) short version, and a logbook. The results in study 1 show, after intervention, positive correlations between decision making and emotional intelligence, suggesting that young people with highest scores on the CDS certainty subscale regarding their vocational future tend to provide good indicators of emotional intelligence and therefore skills to relate to people and situations in a functional, effective and efficient way. Regarding the impact of the intervention, it is considered that it had an impact on the studied variables, observing significant values. In study 2 there is a positive correlation between the CDS certainty subscale and emotional intelligence, and a negative correlation between the CDS uncertainty subscale and emotional intelligence, suggesting that the confidence and determination about the future increase with benefits to emotional intelligence. Thus seem justified educational interventions that promote and teach social and emotional skills, as these skills are important in the context of choice and vocational decision and, therefore, the construction of paths of life.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Psicologia da Educação, especialidade em Contextos Educativos.
Competência Emocional Competência Social Educação Inteligência Emocional Orientação Vocacional Ilha de São Miguel (Açores) Açores