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O presente relatório de estágio dá voz a todo um trabalho de revisão de literatura, de análise e reflexão sobre os planos de intervenção delineados e aplicados em contexto de prática pedagógica, assim como, à análise crítica e reflexiva do impacto dessas ações espelhadas no comportamento das crianças e, consequentemente na aprendizagem do formando. Este documento foi elaborado tendo em conta a dimensão do conhecimento científico e fundamentação de prática de ensino, aquando do(s) estágio(s) pedagógico(s) na Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, integrados nas unidades curriculares de Prática Educativa Supervisionada I e II. Tendo como ponto de partida, a importância das práticas físicas na educação e o desenvolvimento da criança em idade do pré-escolar e do 1º ciclo, focaremos a partir das atividades físicas curriculares a importância do jogo. Pretendemos com este estudo averiguar de que forma o jogo tradicional infantil é promotor do desenvolvimento integral e harmonioso das crianças, considerando a necessidade de preservação da cultura, numa perspetiva transversal e interdisciplinar. As componentes da prática educativa que foram relatadas no decorrer do presente trabalho dizem respeito às experiências de observação, planificação, intervenção/ação, avaliação e reflexão, todas elas, competências inerentes ao perfil do educador/professor. Fruto da informação obtida no decorrer deste processo, podemos comprovar a importância e relevância do jogo no desenvolvimento integral das crianças, tornando evidente o modo como o mesmo se torna expressivo através das práticas físicas curriculares. Ressalta do estudo efetuado a conclusão de que a Educação Física se apresenta como um meio viável de desenvolvimento de competências específicas, que não se esgotam nesta área de conteúdo, mas que se estendem, numa perspetiva integradora das demais áreas de conhecimento, a todo o processo educativo delineado para o nosso percurso inicial de formação, no âmbito da Educação Básica.
ABSTRACT: The present student teaching report is a summary of the literature on the subject matter, a detailed analysis and reflection of the plans of intervention outlined and put into practice in the context of teaching practices, as well as a critical analysis and reflection of the impact that these practices had on the behavior of children and consequently in the learning process of the student teacher. This document was written taking into account the specifics of the subject matter and the teaching practices learned during student teaching in a preschool and primary school setting, which were part of the curricular units of supervised student teaching I and II. The starting point of this work is the importance of physical activity in education and its impact on the development of preschool and primary school age children. The curriculum itself stresses physical activities and the importance of games. The intent of this study focuses on how children’s traditional games promote health and well being in their overall development. At the same time this practice helps in preserving their culture and reinforcing an overall knowledge that they can apply to other areas across the curriculum. The components of the educational practices that were reported in this work are a result of observation, planning, intervention\action, evaluation and reflection, all of them being an integral part of the profile of a teacher. The result of this process enabled me to prove the importance and relevance of including a strong physical education program for preschool and school age children in the curriculum. It is through physical activity which includes games, that school aged children acquire a strong healthy overall development. To conclude, I believe that physical education is a viable means of developing specific competencies, which are not limited to just one specific area but which can be carried across the curriculum and into other aspects of a child’s development as well as enriching the learning process of the student teacher.
ABSTRACT: The present student teaching report is a summary of the literature on the subject matter, a detailed analysis and reflection of the plans of intervention outlined and put into practice in the context of teaching practices, as well as a critical analysis and reflection of the impact that these practices had on the behavior of children and consequently in the learning process of the student teacher. This document was written taking into account the specifics of the subject matter and the teaching practices learned during student teaching in a preschool and primary school setting, which were part of the curricular units of supervised student teaching I and II. The starting point of this work is the importance of physical activity in education and its impact on the development of preschool and primary school age children. The curriculum itself stresses physical activities and the importance of games. The intent of this study focuses on how children’s traditional games promote health and well being in their overall development. At the same time this practice helps in preserving their culture and reinforcing an overall knowledge that they can apply to other areas across the curriculum. The components of the educational practices that were reported in this work are a result of observation, planning, intervention\action, evaluation and reflection, all of them being an integral part of the profile of a teacher. The result of this process enabled me to prove the importance and relevance of including a strong physical education program for preschool and school age children in the curriculum. It is through physical activity which includes games, that school aged children acquire a strong healthy overall development. To conclude, I believe that physical education is a viable means of developing specific competencies, which are not limited to just one specific area but which can be carried across the curriculum and into other aspects of a child’s development as well as enriching the learning process of the student teacher.
Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (Relatório de Estágio).
Educação Física Educação Pré-Escolar Ensino Básico (1º ciclo) Jogo Tradicional Infantil Prática Educativa
Resendes, Roberto Carlos da Silva – "As potencialidades do jogo infantil no desenvolvimento da criança : uma abordagem a práticas da educação física na Educação Básica : relatório de estágio". Ponta Delgada : Universidade dos Açores. 2012. VII, 121 f.. Dissertação de Mestrado.