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Nas últimas décadas, as terapias direcionadas para o tratamento do cancro apontam para o desenvolvimento de uma medicina personalizada. Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos, a taxa de sobrevivência para alguns tipos de cancros avançados ou recorrentes ainda é insatisfatória, sendo nestes casos o objetivo de tratamento o prolongamento da sobrevida, com qualidade de vida. Desta forma, a procura de medicinas alternativas e complementares têm aumentado nos últimos tempos.
A Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (MTC) é uma das medicinas complementares mais utilizadas em todo mundo em pacientes com cancro. A função terapêutica da fitoterapia é mais abrangente, permitindo reforçar e aumentar a resistência endógena do corpo perante a doença e reduzir os efeitos secundários do tratamento por quimioterapia e radioterapia. No entanto, os mecanismos de atuação da fitoterapia usada na MTC permanecem pouco compreendidos e a sua ação terapêutica ainda não foi totalmente esclarecida.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar atividades biológicas indicativas de efeito antitumoral em extratos de plantas ou preparados usados como anticancerígenos na MTC: Mentha haplocalyx (Bo He), Amomi fructus (Sha Ren), Triticum aestivum carpopsis (Fu Xiao Mai) e Fossilia ossis mastodi (Long gu). As atividades testadas foram as antioxidantes, através do método de remoção dos radicais DPPH• e ABTS•+ e pela redução do Cloreto de Ferro, as atividades antiinflamatórias pela desnaturação da albumina e inibição da protease tripsina, e as atividades antitumoral in vitro contra células A549 (carcinoma humano de pulmão). Testou-se ainda a toxicidade dos extratos contra Artemia salina. Constatou-se que os extratos de Mentha haplocalyx e Amomi fructus obtiveram atividades muito significativas em todos os ensaios que foram testados, com valores próximos dos controlos. O extrato de Mentha haplocalyx apresentou uma atividade superior ao controlo na inibição da desnaturação da albumina e teve uma atividade citotóxica muito relevante contra células tumorais A549.
O extrato de Triticum aestivum carpopsis demonstrou a maior percentagem de inibição de células tumorais A549, com um valor de inibição de 94,9%, apresentando também boa atividade na proteção da desnaturação de albumina e demonstrou alguma atividade antioxidante.
O extrato de Fossilia ossis mastodi apresentou atividade anti-inflamatória relevante, próxima dos valores dos restantes extratos. Contudo, demonstrou uma atividade citotóxica baixa e não foi observada nenhuma atividade antioxidante. Nenhum dos extratos provocou qualquer efeito letal sobre Artemia salina até concentração máxima testada, sugerindo que estes extratos não têm toxicidade significativa em organismos multicelulares.
Estes resultados confirmam o interesse da utilização de Mentha haplocalyx e Amomi fructus como coadjuvantes no tratamento do cancro, e são promissores para uma nova perspetiva de abordagem no tratamento desta patologia.
ABSTRACT: In the last decades, targeted therapies for the treatment of cancer point out to the development of personalized medicine. Despite technological advances, the survival rate for some types of advanced or recurrent cancers is still unsatisfactory, the objective of treatment in these cases being to increased survival, with quality of life. In this way, the demand for alternative and complementary medicines has increased in recent times. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the most commonly used complementary medicines in cancer patients worldwide. The therapeutic function of phytotherapy is more comprehensive, allowing strengthening and increase endogenous resistance of the body to the disease and reduce the side effects of treatment by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, the mechanisms of action of herbal medicine used in TCM remain poorly understood and its therapeutic action has not yet been fully elucidated. The objective of this study was to evaluate biological activities indicative of antitumor effect in extracts of plants or preparations used as anticancer agents in TCM: Mentha haplocalyx (Bo He), Amomi fructus (Sha Ren), Triticum aestivum carpopsis (Fu Xiao Mai) and Fossilia ossis mastodi (Long gu). The activities tested were antioxidants, through the removal of DPPH• and ABTS•+ radicals and the reduction of Iron Chloride, anti-inflammatory activities by albumin denaturation and inhibition of protease trypsin, and in vitro antitumor activities against A549 cells (human lung carcinoma). The toxicity of extracts against Artemia salina was also tested. It was found that the extracts of Mentha haplocalyx and Amomi fructus obtained a highly significant activity in all the tests that were carry out, with values close to the controls. The Mentha haplocalyx extract showed a higher activity than the control in the inhibition of albumin denaturation and had a relevant cytotoxic activity against A549 tumor cells. The extract of Triticum aestivum carpopsis demonstrated the highest percentage of inhibition of A549 tumor cells, with inhibition value of 94.9%, also showing good activity in the protection of albumin denaturation and some antioxidant activity. The extract of Fossilia ossis mastodi presented relevant anti-inflammatory activity, close to the values of the remaining extracts. However, it demonstrated low cytotoxic activity and no antioxidant activity was observed. None of the extracts caused any lethal effect on Artemia salina up to the maximum concentration tested, suggesting that these extracts do not have significant toxicity in multicellular organisms. These results confirm the interest of using Mentha haplocalyx and Amomi fructus as adjuvants in the treatment of cancer and are promising for a new approach perspective in the treatment of this pathology.
ABSTRACT: In the last decades, targeted therapies for the treatment of cancer point out to the development of personalized medicine. Despite technological advances, the survival rate for some types of advanced or recurrent cancers is still unsatisfactory, the objective of treatment in these cases being to increased survival, with quality of life. In this way, the demand for alternative and complementary medicines has increased in recent times. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the most commonly used complementary medicines in cancer patients worldwide. The therapeutic function of phytotherapy is more comprehensive, allowing strengthening and increase endogenous resistance of the body to the disease and reduce the side effects of treatment by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, the mechanisms of action of herbal medicine used in TCM remain poorly understood and its therapeutic action has not yet been fully elucidated. The objective of this study was to evaluate biological activities indicative of antitumor effect in extracts of plants or preparations used as anticancer agents in TCM: Mentha haplocalyx (Bo He), Amomi fructus (Sha Ren), Triticum aestivum carpopsis (Fu Xiao Mai) and Fossilia ossis mastodi (Long gu). The activities tested were antioxidants, through the removal of DPPH• and ABTS•+ radicals and the reduction of Iron Chloride, anti-inflammatory activities by albumin denaturation and inhibition of protease trypsin, and in vitro antitumor activities against A549 cells (human lung carcinoma). The toxicity of extracts against Artemia salina was also tested. It was found that the extracts of Mentha haplocalyx and Amomi fructus obtained a highly significant activity in all the tests that were carry out, with values close to the controls. The Mentha haplocalyx extract showed a higher activity than the control in the inhibition of albumin denaturation and had a relevant cytotoxic activity against A549 tumor cells. The extract of Triticum aestivum carpopsis demonstrated the highest percentage of inhibition of A549 tumor cells, with inhibition value of 94.9%, also showing good activity in the protection of albumin denaturation and some antioxidant activity. The extract of Fossilia ossis mastodi presented relevant anti-inflammatory activity, close to the values of the remaining extracts. However, it demonstrated low cytotoxic activity and no antioxidant activity was observed. None of the extracts caused any lethal effect on Artemia salina up to the maximum concentration tested, suggesting that these extracts do not have significant toxicity in multicellular organisms. These results confirm the interest of using Mentha haplocalyx and Amomi fructus as adjuvants in the treatment of cancer and are promising for a new approach perspective in the treatment of this pathology.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 14 de setembro de 2018, Universidade dos Açores.
Bioquímica Vegetal Doença Cancerígena Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (MTC) Plantas Medicinais Amomi fructus Fossilia ossis mastodi (Osso do Dragão) Mentha haplocalyx (Hortelã) Triticum aestivum L. (Trigo) Anticancer Activity
Almeida, Ricardo Jorge Ferreira. "Deteção da atividade anticancerígena de extratos usados na medicina tradicional chinesa". 2018. 80 p.. (Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Biomédicas). Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores, 2018. [Consult. Dia Mês Ano]. Disponível em www:<>.