O Centro de Estudos Humanísticos (CEHu) é uma Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (UI&D) da Universidade dos Açores, que promove a qualificação de alto nível, a produção e difusão do conhecimento no âmbito dos Estudos Humanísticos, assim como a Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida.
Browsing Centro de Estudos Humanísticos by Subject "Azores"
This work aims to present, in a concise and systematised way, through bibliographic research, an analysis of the implementation of the public policy, the Social Labour Market in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. Contextualising this policy in the wider framework of social policies implemented in Portugal, considering that public policies are responses of the public authorities to social problems, presenting themselves as strategies that institutionalise a set of systematic actions to achieve certain goals considered to be of public interest. The formulation and implementation of public policies depend on and are the result of the interaction of numerous logics of actors, be they individual or collective, be they public or private. In this sense, the present work develops a theoretical conception of policy analysis, as a study methodology, comprising the categories: actors, content, context and process, where in the latter, the processes of agenda building, policy formulation and implementation are specified. Finally, contributions will be made to the review of this public policy.