Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2007-09"
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- Graciosa, Açores. A capital do mergulhoPublication . Neto, Ana I.; Azevedo, José M. N.Em qualquer mergulho na costa da Graciosa é visível a complexidade estrutural do ambiente, com pontas rochosas alternando com aglomerados de calhau ou de blocos, grutas, arcos e destroços de navios afundados. Mesmo a monotonia do fundo arenoso é quebrada por recifes e baixas. Esta multiplicidade de ambientes proporciona uma grande riqueza de nichos ecológicos. Os organismos estruturantes são as macroalgas marinhas, que exibem formas e cores luxuriantes, forrando a rocha na sua quase totalidade. Entre as algas podem encontrar-se muitas espécies de invertebrados: das vibrantes estrelas-do-mar vermelhas até aos minúsculos nudibrânquios, autênticas jóias submarinas. Sobre o fundo nadam inúmeros e coloridos peixes das várias espécies, a mansidão e abundância dos meros continuando a encantar hoje como o fizeram nos anos 60 ao Prof. Luiz Saldanha. Em zonas mais sombrias observam-se facilmente corais negros, raros noutras paragens. Nas numerosas baixas passam jamantas, tubarões e tartarugas. O litoral da Graciosa, cheio de vida, apresenta um padrão diversificado de cores e de formas que faz com que o mergulho seja sempre motivo de interesse e satisfação.
- Reproductive biology of Megabalanus azoricus (Pilsbry), the Azorean BarnaclePublication . Dionísio, Maria Ana; Rodrigues, Armindo; Costa, Ana C.The reproductive biology of Megabalanus azoricus (Pilsbry), the commercially exploited barnacle in the Azores, was studied in an attempt to provide the scientific basis for the sustainable management of this heavily exploited regional marine resource. Both the Ospar Commission and WWF have expressed concern for this species, considering it at risk and in urgent need for scientific study. Barnacles were collected every month from shallow water (.3 m depth) around São Miguel Island from October 2004 to September 2005. Individuals were measured and gonads processed for histology and analysed with a stereological method. M. azoricus has a hermaphroditic reproductive system with separate gonads and it was possible to describe the various stages of gametic maturation in both. Data on fertility were also obtained by egg counts and calculation of the Gonadosomatic index (GSI). Throughout the year, some specimens of M. azoricus can be found that rare mature, but two reproductive peaks were observed, one in January and a smaller one in July. A strong positive correlation between GSI and environmental factors such as photoperiod and water temperature was observed.
- Las políticas de género en el âmbito Comunitário EuropeoPublication . Rodrigues, José NoronhaO século XX será recordado na História da Humanidade como o século das mulheres. O século em que as mulheres ganharam visibilidade, reivindicaram direitos, exigiram a igualdade de tratamento e de oportunidades e, a Comunidade Política Internacional desvendou um vocábulo novo, o de “Políticas de Género”. Falar em Direitos da Mulher é, ainda, falar em Direitos Humanos.
- Mapping marine biotopes in Graciosa – Azores, a low budget methodology for oceanic Islands.Publication . Álvaro, Nuno V.; Neto, Ana I.; Wallenstein, Francisco; Silva, Tito
- Arquitectura constitucional y procesos de integración en el caso portuguêsPublication . Rodrigues, José NoronhaCom meio século de existência, o processo de integração europeu/União Europeia encontra-se, actualmente, numa nova encruzilhada. Contudo, hoje, parece-nos inquestionável, que a integração europeia é um processo irreversível. Creio que laboramos neste sentido nos últimos cinquenta anos, de Paris a Nice. Portugal por via das sucessivas revisões Constitucionais conseguiu acompanhar e adaptar a sua arquitectura Constitucional ao processo de integração europeu.
- UV Index estimation from global radiation and total ozone observations in Azores.Publication . Carvalho, Fernanda; Henriques, Diamantino; Fialho, PauloThe UV Index (UVI) is a public-oriented meteorological kind of information about the damaging ultraviolet radiation at the ground (Vaniceck et al., 1999). Its use begins to be so popular as temperatures highs, wind chill, fire risk index, air quality index and other meteorological indexes and parameters. A UVI scale was already defined by WHO (WHO, 2002) in order to provide a correspondence between UVI levels and protective measures to avoid damaging effects on humans. However, UVI is usually given in integer units, so the required precision for the public must be less or equal than 0.5 UVI units. While UV dependence on ozone is well understood and easily to model, clouds dependence is more difficult do model and its effect on daily variability is also important. In addition, atmospheric UV measurements are more expensive than global radiation measurements and therefore fewer. However, global radiation is much less dependent on ozone and its variability depends basically on clouds. Therefore, global radiation measurements can be used to correct a simple radioactive transfer model for clear sky conditions with respect to the actual cloudiness. The scope of this work is to find an approach to derive UVI from actual global radiation and ozone measurements with acceptable error for public awareness.
- Comparison of Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and other atherosclerotic risk factors in two Portuguese populations: the Influence of InsularityPublication . Lopes, Paula Alexandra; Gaspar, Gisela; Napoleão, Patrícia; Santos, Maria Cristina; Pavão, Maria Leonor; Viegas-Crespo, Ana MariaO principal objectivo deste estudo é o de pesquisar o efeito da insularidade nos polimorfismos da apolipoproteína (apo) E em indivíduos saudáveis do continente (Lisboa) e de Ponta Delgada (Ilha de S. Miguel, Arquipélago dos Açores). Adicionalmente, estudar a distribuição dos seus genótipos em doentes com aterosclerose da Ilha de S. Miguel. Em Lisboa, a distribuição dos genótipos da apo E foi a seguinte: e3/e3 > e3/e4 > e2/e3 > e4/e4, ao passo que em Ponta Delgada e independentemente da condição fisiológica foi: e3/e3 > e2/e3 > e3/e4. Distintas frequências genotípicas foram observadas entre homens e mulheres no grupo saudável de Ponta Delgada. O índice de massa corporal, hipertensão arterial e perfil lipídico, factores de risco associados ao processo aterosclerótico, revelaram algumas diferenças quando avaliados em função dos grupos alélicos. Neste estudo, os genótipos de risco da apo E, e2/e2 and e2/e4, não foram contabilizados. Curiosamente a proporção dos genótipos nas mulheres foi heterogénea nos 3 grupos estudados.
- Realism, universalism and capabilitiesPublication . Martins, Nuno O.Amartya Sen's capability approach is a perspective that (unlike approaches that focus only on resources or goods) takes into account the heterogeneities between human individuals in the assessment of well-being and advantage. Nevertheless, the recognition of diversity between individuals also poses difficulties to the application of the capability approach in welfare analysis. Tony Lawson's structured ontology will be suggested here in order to render (empirical) diversity compatible with the need to make more general (possibly universal) welfare analysis (and policy prescriptions). This is so because Lawson's structured ontology distinguishes between an empirical level, where diversity exists, and an ontologically distinct level of the causal factors underlying the former: universalizing and generalizing can be made at this latter level.
- Modelos de integración jurídica en el derecho comparadoPublication . Rodrigues, José NoronhaOs “Modelos de Integração Jurídica”, poderão ser caracterizados como aquele molde pequeno e quase perfeito produzido pelo Direito de alguns Estados e, que, os outros Estados tendem a seguir e a imitar, e por vezes, integrar ajustando a ele, “ (…) saindo [deste modo] do paradigma do [modelo de] Estado soberano para [a promoção do modelo] da sociedade global.”
- Climatology of aerosol composition (organic versus inorganic) at nonurban sites on a west-east transect across EuropePublication . Pio, Casimiro; Legrand, Michel; Oliveira, Tiago S.; Afonso, Joana; Santos, C.; Caseiro, A.; Fialho, Paulo; Barata, Filipe; Puxbaum, Hans; Sanchez-Ochoa, A.; Kasper-Giebl, Anne; Gelencsér, András; Preunkert, Susanne; Schock, M.In the framework of the European CARBOSOL project (Present and Retrospective State of Organic versus Inorganic Aerosol over Europe: Implications for Climate), atmospheric aerosol was continuously sampled for 2 years at six sites along a west-east transect extending from Azores, in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, to K-Puszta (Hungary), in central Europe. Aerosols were analyzed for ²¹°Pb, inorganic ions, elemental (EC) and organic (OC) carbon, water soluble organic carbon (WSOC), macromolecular type (humic-like) organic substances (HULIS), C2–C5 diacids, cellulose, and levoglucosan. Pooled aerosol filters were also used for the identification of different families of organic compounds by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, GC/MS, as well as 14C determinations. The data resulted in a climatological overview of the aerosol composition over Europe in the various seasons, from west to east, and from the boundary layer to the free troposphere. The paper first summarizes the characteristics of the sites and collected samples and then focuses on the aerosol mass partitioning (mass closure, inorganic versus organic, EC versus OC, water soluble versus insoluble OC), giving an insight on the sources of carbonaceous aerosol present in rural and natural background areas in Europe. It also introduces the main role of other companion papers dealing with CARBOSOL aerosol data that are also presented in this issue.