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Thomas Hickling (1745-1834). John Bass Dabney (1766-1826) e seus descendentes constituíram duas ilustres famílias consulares dos Estados Unidos nos Açores, Da Nova Inglaterra, embora com raízes na Velha Inglaterra, e viajantes consagrados ao mesmo tempo que mercadores, os membros de ambas as famílias mantiveram várias ligações com as Ilhas Britânicas através de casamentos, dos recém-colocados cabos telegráficos submarinos, e dos seus próprios navios. O artigo debruça-se sobre a residência no Faial do financeiro J. Pierpont Morgan em 1852-1853 e a sua visita de retorno, em 1906, e também sobre o papel açoriano durante a Guerra Civil Americana (1861-1865).
ABSTRACT: Thomas Hickling (1745-1834). John Bass Dabney (1766-1826) and descendants constituted two illustrious U.S. consular families in the Azores. From New England but of Old-English background, and inveterate travellers as well as traders members of both families maintained numerous connections with the British Isles via marriages the newly-laid submarine telegraph cables, and their own ships. The article includes discussion of financier J. Pierpont Morgan’s residence on Fayal in 1852-1853 and his return visit in 1906, and also an Azorean role during the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865).
ABSTRACT: Thomas Hickling (1745-1834). John Bass Dabney (1766-1826) and descendants constituted two illustrious U.S. consular families in the Azores. From New England but of Old-English background, and inveterate travellers as well as traders members of both families maintained numerous connections with the British Isles via marriages the newly-laid submarine telegraph cables, and their own ships. The article includes discussion of financier J. Pierpont Morgan’s residence on Fayal in 1852-1853 and his return visit in 1906, and also an Azorean role during the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865).
John Bass Dabney (1766-1826) John Pierpont Morgan(1852-1853) Thomas Hickling (1745-1834) Genealogia
"ARQUIPÉLAGO. História". Número Especial (1988): 123-148.