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Desde fins de 1983 até 1987 efectuou-se a amostragem biológica de 2530 Trachurus picturatus provenientes de capturas efectuadas perto das Ilhas do Faial e Pico (ambas pertencentes ao Grupo Central do Arquipélago dos Açores). Os parâmetros biológicos foram obtidos em exemplares frescos e congelados. O teste t foi aplicado para comparar os declives das duas regressões comprimento-peso obtidas, permitindo concluir que as duas amostras eram significativamente diferentes para um limite de confiança de 95%. Daí que no presente trabalho os parâmetros obtidos com exemplares congelados tenham sido omitidos. A relação comprimento-peso obtida foi: Wt(g) = 0.00819 x Lf ³∙¹¹ (cm). A relação comprimento total-comprimento furcal foi: Lt (cm) = -0.447 + 1.137 Lf (cm). Também foram calculadas as relações entre o comprimento, a altura e o peso dos otólitos (sagittae) esquerdo e direito, e o comprimento furcal do respectivo indivíduo. A comparação das relações obtidas levou-nos a concluir que poderíamos utilizar quer o otólito esquerdo quer o direito. Para a determinação da idade concluiu-se que as secções dos otólitos eram as estruturas mais fáceis de observar. Foi estabelecida uma chave comprimento-idade. A melhor estimativa para a equação de crescimento de von Bertalanffy determinando a idade através de otólitos foi: Lꚙ = 52.9 cm; k = 0.20 ano⁻¹; t₀ = - 0.23 ano. Contudo a equação de crescimento de Gompertz talvez se ajuste melhor.
ABSTRACT: From late 1983 to early 1987, 2530 Trachurus picturatus were sampled from captures around Faial and Pico Islands (belonging to the Central Group of the Azorean Archipelago). Biological parameters were taken using either fresh or frozen fish. Students' t test was applied to compare the slopes of the obtained weight-length regressions, leading to the conclusion that the two samples were significantly different for a 95% confidence limit. Thus parameters obtained with frozen fish were discarded. Weight-length regression obtained was Wt(g) = 0.00819 x Lf ³∙¹¹ (cm). Total length-fork length regression was Lt (cm) = -0.447 + 1.137 Lf (cm). The regressions between length, height and weight of left and right sagitta otoliths and the respective fork length were calculated. Further comparison between the obtained parameters lead to the conclusion that either could be used. Otolith sections were found to be the more reliable structures for age determination. An age-length key was established. The best fit to von Bertalanffy growth equation, using otolith age determination, was: Lꚙ = 52.9 cm; k = 0.20 year; t₀ = - 0.23 year. Nevertheless a Gompertz growth curve may give a better fit.
ABSTRACT: From late 1983 to early 1987, 2530 Trachurus picturatus were sampled from captures around Faial and Pico Islands (belonging to the Central Group of the Azorean Archipelago). Biological parameters were taken using either fresh or frozen fish. Students' t test was applied to compare the slopes of the obtained weight-length regressions, leading to the conclusion that the two samples were significantly different for a 95% confidence limit. Thus parameters obtained with frozen fish were discarded. Weight-length regression obtained was Wt(g) = 0.00819 x Lf ³∙¹¹ (cm). Total length-fork length regression was Lt (cm) = -0.447 + 1.137 Lf (cm). The regressions between length, height and weight of left and right sagitta otoliths and the respective fork length were calculated. Further comparison between the obtained parameters lead to the conclusion that either could be used. Otolith sections were found to be the more reliable structures for age determination. An age-length key was established. The best fit to von Bertalanffy growth equation, using otolith age determination, was: Lꚙ = 52.9 cm; k = 0.20 year; t₀ = - 0.23 year. Nevertheless a Gompertz growth curve may give a better fit.
Trachurus picturatus (Bowdich, 1825) Chicharro Parâmetros Biológicos Açores Biological Parameters Blue Jack Mackerel Azores
ISIDRO, Helena A. (1990). Age and growth of Trachurus picturatus (Bowdich, 1825) (Teleostei: Carangidae) from the Azores. "Arquipélago. Boletim da Universidade dos Açores: Ciências da Natureza", 8: 45-54.