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O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo avaliar as estratégias de marketing digital do operador turístico Inovtravel, com particular ênfase na parte da produção de conteúdo escrito. Propõe-se contribuir para uma melhor compreensão sobre a forma como tais conteúdos ajudam o operador a promover os seus destinos e os seus produtos.
Pretende, igualmente, avaliar se a empresa age em concordância com os principais fundamentos do marketing digital, refletindo-se criticamente sobre o que ainda pode ser melhorado, a fim de fortalecer o próprio negócio e as competências profissionais dos seus profissionais de marketing.
Visa ainda demonstrar que o modelo de negócio pré-existente permitiu que a empresa estivesse melhor preparada para atuar no mundo durante e pós-pandemia provocada pelo vírus Covid-19, onde muitas organizações se viram forçadas a recorrer à digitalização, e em que o digital se posicionou como o único canal de negócios possível, a par da crescente desintermediação dos agentes de viagens tradicionais – áreas onde o operador turístico em questão já atuava, estando um passo à frente de grande parte da concorrência e dos seus parceiros, no contexto da Região Autónoma dos Açores.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this project is to critically evaluate the digital marketing tools used by the tour operator Inovtravel (“the company”), with a focus on its written content. The intended goal of this project is to prove that producing well-written, relevant content is not only essential in the promotion of tourist destinations and products, but a fundamental marketing tactic. Additionally, this project will assess whether the company’s current marketing strategy adheres to the principal fundamentals of digital marketing, determining areas of improvement on the behalf of the business itself and the professional skills of its marketing staff. The third objective of this project is to show how the company’s pre-existent digital business model prepared it for success in a post-pandemic world. Many businesses across a variety of industries were forced to pivot and change their traditional business models to remote or digital models to adapt to COVID restrictions and retain customers. Since its founding in 2011, the company has been solely focused on existing as a digital business channel, the first online-only tour company in a sea of competing traditional travel agencies, tour operators, companies and partners in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this project is to critically evaluate the digital marketing tools used by the tour operator Inovtravel (“the company”), with a focus on its written content. The intended goal of this project is to prove that producing well-written, relevant content is not only essential in the promotion of tourist destinations and products, but a fundamental marketing tactic. Additionally, this project will assess whether the company’s current marketing strategy adheres to the principal fundamentals of digital marketing, determining areas of improvement on the behalf of the business itself and the professional skills of its marketing staff. The third objective of this project is to show how the company’s pre-existent digital business model prepared it for success in a post-pandemic world. Many businesses across a variety of industries were forced to pivot and change their traditional business models to remote or digital models to adapt to COVID restrictions and retain customers. Since its founding in 2011, the company has been solely focused on existing as a digital business channel, the first online-only tour company in a sea of competing traditional travel agencies, tour operators, companies and partners in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.
Mestrado (Relatório de Estágio), Turismo Internacional (Gestão de Destinos Turísticos), 4 de novembro de 2021.
Destino Turístico Marketing Digital Redes Sociais Turismo Digital Marketing Social Media Touristic Destinations
Pavão, Mariana Barreira (2021). "A produção de conteúdo na promoção dos destinos do operador turístico Inovtravel", 93 p.. Mestrado em Turismo Internacional (Gestão de Destinos Turísticos). Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores. [Consult. Dia Mês Ano]. Disponível em www:<>.