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A fasciolose causada pelo trematode Fasciola hepatica é considerada uma das parasitoses mais importantes em bovinos de produção leiteira devido a significativas perdas económicas. Este estudo teve como objetivos a determinação das prevalências da fasciolose nos bovinos leiteiros abatidos no Matadouro da ilha de São Miguel, e a determinação das áreas geográficas de maior risco (freguesias e explorações) assim como a determinação do impacto económico da fasciolose nas explorações. De uma amostra de 24 389 animais, 531 foram positivos para a fasciolose, correspondendo a uma prevalência nos animais de 2.18%. De cerca de 1 393 explorações existentes na ilha de São Miguel, 10.8% apresentaram pelo menos um caso registado de fasciolose. Verificou-se que esta parasitose apresenta uma distribuição geográfica mais ampla na ilha de São Miguel e no arquipélago dos Açores em geral, pois observaram-se casos oriundos da ilha das Flores. Ainda que não se tenham verificado diferenças significativas em termos de peso entre animais saudáveis e animais parasitados, constatou-se que quanto maior a idade dos animais, maior o grau de lesão do fígado e o grau de parasitação, o que reflete um maior período de exposição ao fator de risco (ingestão de metacercárias em pastagens infestadas pela Galba truncatula). A informação disponível indicia que existe algum trabalho a fazer junto dos produtores sobre os danos causados pela parasitose e implementação de formas de prevenção adequadas.
ABSTRACT: Liver fluke caused by Fasciola hepatica trematode is considered one of the most important parasitosis in dairy cattle due to significant economic losses. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of liver fluke in dairy cattle slaughtered at São Miguel Island Abattoir, and to determine the highest risk areas (parishes and farms) as well as to determine the economic impact of liver fluke on dairy farms. Of a sample of 24 389 animals, 531 were positive for liver fluke, corresponding to a prevalence in animals of 2.18%. Of about 1 393 farms on São Miguel Island, 10.8% had at least one recorded case of liver fluke. It has been found that this parasitosis presents a wider geographic distribution in São Miguel Island and in the archipelago of the Azores in general due to observed cases coming from Flores Island. Although there were no significant differences in weight between healthy animals and parasitized animals, it was proved that the higher the age of the animals, the greater the degree of liver injury and, therefore, the degree of parasitization, which reflects a longer period of exposure to the risk factor (ingestion of metacercariae in pastures infested by Galba truncatula). The available information indicates that there is some work to be done with the producers on the damages caused by this parasitosis and the implementation of adequate prevention methods.
ABSTRACT: Liver fluke caused by Fasciola hepatica trematode is considered one of the most important parasitosis in dairy cattle due to significant economic losses. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of liver fluke in dairy cattle slaughtered at São Miguel Island Abattoir, and to determine the highest risk areas (parishes and farms) as well as to determine the economic impact of liver fluke on dairy farms. Of a sample of 24 389 animals, 531 were positive for liver fluke, corresponding to a prevalence in animals of 2.18%. Of about 1 393 farms on São Miguel Island, 10.8% had at least one recorded case of liver fluke. It has been found that this parasitosis presents a wider geographic distribution in São Miguel Island and in the archipelago of the Azores in general due to observed cases coming from Flores Island. Although there were no significant differences in weight between healthy animals and parasitized animals, it was proved that the higher the age of the animals, the greater the degree of liver injury and, therefore, the degree of parasitization, which reflects a longer period of exposure to the risk factor (ingestion of metacercariae in pastures infested by Galba truncatula). The available information indicates that there is some work to be done with the producers on the damages caused by this parasitosis and the implementation of adequate prevention methods.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 4 de outubro de 2017, Universidade dos Açores.
Bovinos Leiteiros Fasciola hepatica Fasciolose Parasitose Dairy Cattle Economical Impact Parasitosis
Barbosa, Ricardo Borges. "Epidemio-vigilância da fasciolose nos bovinos leiteiros da Ilha de São Miguel: Açores". 2017. 66 p.. (Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Biomédicas). Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores, 2017. [Consult. Dia Mês Ano]. Disponível em www:<>.