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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo mostrar que Domingos Rebelo não somente deixou sua marca na história da arte açoriana, e também portuguesa, através de pinturas, mas também como ilustrador ou desenhador, com destaque para a elaboração de capas de periódicos açorianos. Foram analisadas especificamente as capas das revistas: Os Açores e Insula. O primeiro capítulo aborda o contexto histórico e artístico no qual Domingos Rebelo estava inserido, no sentido de compreender como atuaram os representantes do movimento modernista, em Portugal, e da forma como tentaram distanciar-se das ideias de cunho político-ideológico salazarista. O segundo capítulo aborda o perfil da imprensa micaelense no início do século XX, período em que o jornalismo especializado ou segmentado é muito utilizado nos Açores, caracterizado por dirigir-se a uma categoria de público específica. Foi notória a influência da emigração nas obras de pintura e ilustração de Domingos Rebelo, de modo que passou a ser um dos canais de transmissão de mensagens num contexto regionalista. O terceiro capítulo discorre sobre as influências do movimento regionalista nas obras de Domingos Rebelo, que se tornou um dos representantes do movimento através da sua produção artística. Domingos Rebelo foi capaz de reproduzir todas as formas de expressões culturais referentes aos valores, hábitos e costumes açorianos. E o quarto capítulo discursa sobre as origens de Domingos Rebelo, sobre o processo de formação de identidade artística e atividades que desenvolveu na imprensa micaelense. Na sequência disso é feita a análise técnica sobre as capas das revistas Os Açores e Insula, de maneira a gerar reflexão sobre a composição gráfica e iconografia das ilustrações encontradas nestas capas, obras singulares para a identidade cultural açoriana.
ABSTRACT: This dissertation aims to show that Domingos Rebelo has not only left his mark on the history of Azorean, but also on the Portuguese arts through paintings, as an illustrator or designer - especially by the elaboration of covers for the Azorean publications. The covers of magazines Os Açores e Insula were specifically analyzed. The first chapter discusses the historical context in which Domingos Rebelo was put, in order to understand the actions of the representatives of the modern movement in Portugal and how they tried to distance themselves from the ideas of the political Salazaristic ideology .The second chapter discusses the profile of the Azorean press in the early 20th century - a period in which specialized or segmented journalism is widely used in the Azores, characterized by addressing a particular category of audience. The emigration took a significant influence on Domingos Rebelo's paintings and illustrations, so that it became one of the messaging channels with regionalist context. The third chapter discusses the influences of the regionalist movement on the works of Domingos Rebelo, who became one of the representatives of the movement through his artistic production. Domingos Rebelo was able to reproduce all forms of cultural expressions about values, habits and manners. The fourth chapter tells about the origins of Domingos Rebelo, the formation process of artistic identity and about activities developed in the Azorean press. There follows a technical analysis of the magazine covers of Os Açores and Insula by making reflections on the graphic composition and the iconography the graphics containing, which are unique works for representing the Azorean cultural regionalist identity.
ABSTRACT: This dissertation aims to show that Domingos Rebelo has not only left his mark on the history of Azorean, but also on the Portuguese arts through paintings, as an illustrator or designer - especially by the elaboration of covers for the Azorean publications. The covers of magazines Os Açores e Insula were specifically analyzed. The first chapter discusses the historical context in which Domingos Rebelo was put, in order to understand the actions of the representatives of the modern movement in Portugal and how they tried to distance themselves from the ideas of the political Salazaristic ideology .The second chapter discusses the profile of the Azorean press in the early 20th century - a period in which specialized or segmented journalism is widely used in the Azores, characterized by addressing a particular category of audience. The emigration took a significant influence on Domingos Rebelo's paintings and illustrations, so that it became one of the messaging channels with regionalist context. The third chapter discusses the influences of the regionalist movement on the works of Domingos Rebelo, who became one of the representatives of the movement through his artistic production. Domingos Rebelo was able to reproduce all forms of cultural expressions about values, habits and manners. The fourth chapter tells about the origins of Domingos Rebelo, the formation process of artistic identity and about activities developed in the Azorean press. There follows a technical analysis of the magazine covers of Os Açores and Insula by making reflections on the graphic composition and the iconography the graphics containing, which are unique works for representing the Azorean cultural regionalist identity.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Património, Museologia e Desenvolvimento, 24 de Fevereiro de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
Domingos Rebelo (1891-1975) Iconografia Açoriana Imprensa Micaelense Jornalismo
Carvalho, Fernanda Branquinho Baptista. "Domingos Rebelo e a ilustração de imprensa: reflexão sobre a iconografia regionalista". 2014. 112 p.. (Dissertação de Mestrado em Património, Museologia e Desenvolvimento). Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores, 2013. [Consult. Dia Mês Ano]. Disponível em www:<>.