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O ano de 1832 trouxe aos Açores a célebre expedição liberal liderada por D. Pedro e constituída quase inteiramente por militares britânicos. Integrado neste contingente militar estava o comandante Edward Boid, autor de "A Description of the Azores or Western Islands" (1834), relato de viagem onde registou as experiências colhidas no Arquipélago. A narrativa encerra duas visões opostas mas complementares das Ilhas Ocidentais, denunciando a complexidade do temperamento e da formação do autor. Assim, a par de uma apreciação estética da paisagem do Arquipélago, claramente integrada no espírito romântico, deparamos com uma análise bastante desfavorável do panorama social, político e económico da região, na qual abundam as acusações às autoridades civis e eclesiásticas portuguesas. O relato contém ainda alguns pormenores relevantes para o estudo da intervenção militar inglesa em Portugal durante as lutas liberais e igualmente da expedição de 1832, que acrescentam à obra um inegável interesse histórico.
ABSTRACT: The year of 1832 brought to the Azores the famous liberal expedition commanded by Dom Pedro and almost entirely composed of British troops. Integrated in this military contingent was Captain Edward Boid, author of "A Description of the Azores or Western Islands" (1834), a travel book that registers the experiences and impressions he gathered during his stay in the archipelago. The narrative comprises two opposite but complementary perspectives of the Western Islands that reflect the complexity of the author's character and background. Although Boid's aesthetic vision of nature and his fascination for the picturesque and sublime aspects of landscape in the Azores reveal his romantic tendencies, his views about the socioeconomic and political situations in the archipelago are profoundly negative. Therefore, he frequently accuses the Portuguese civil and religious authorities of incompetence and negligence. The book also contains some relevant details for the study of the Britain military presence in Portugal during the civil war, that it lend considerable historical interest.
ABSTRACT: The year of 1832 brought to the Azores the famous liberal expedition commanded by Dom Pedro and almost entirely composed of British troops. Integrated in this military contingent was Captain Edward Boid, author of "A Description of the Azores or Western Islands" (1834), a travel book that registers the experiences and impressions he gathered during his stay in the archipelago. The narrative comprises two opposite but complementary perspectives of the Western Islands that reflect the complexity of the author's character and background. Although Boid's aesthetic vision of nature and his fascination for the picturesque and sublime aspects of landscape in the Azores reveal his romantic tendencies, his views about the socioeconomic and political situations in the archipelago are profoundly negative. Therefore, he frequently accuses the Portuguese civil and religious authorities of incompetence and negligence. The book also contains some relevant details for the study of the Britain military presence in Portugal during the civil war, that it lend considerable historical interest.
Literatura de Viajens Travel Literature
"ARQUIPÉLAGO. História". Número Especial (1988): 211-232