ARQ - LES - Número 10
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Artigos publicados no Número 10 - 1992
FREDERICQ, Suzanne, Ester SERRÃO & James NORRIS - New records of marine red algae from the Azores. (pp. 1-4)SILVA, Helder M. & Helena M. KRUG - Virtual Population Analysis of the forkbeard, Phycis phycis (Linnaeus, 1766), in the Azores. (pp. 5-12)
MONTEIRO, Luis, Filipe PORTEIRO & João M. GONÇALVES - Inter- and intra-specific variation of mercury levels in muscle of cephalopods from the Azores. (pp. 13-22)
OLIVEIRA, Rui, Victor ALMADA, Armando ALMEIDA, Ricardo S. SANTOS & Emanuel GONÇALVES - A checklist of the blennioid fishes (Teleostei, Blennioidei) occurring in portuguese waters. (pp. 23-37)
MARTINS, Helen R., Ricardo S. SANTOS, Stephen J. HAWKINS & Richard D.M. NASH - Expedition Azores 1989: Ecology and taxonomy of the fauna and flora of the marine littoral. An introduction. (pp. 39-43)
MOSS, David - A summary of the Porifera collected during "Expedition Azores 1989". (pp. 45-53)
CORTE-REAL, Helena B.S.M., Stephen J. HAWKINS & John THORPE - Genetic confirmation that intertidal and subtidal morphs of Patella ulyssiponensis aspera Röding (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Patellidae) are conspecific. (pp. 55-66)
PAULA, José, Alexandra CARTAXANA & Henrique QUEIROGA - Decapod crustaceans collected by the "Expedition Azores 1989". (pp. 67-74)
CORNELIUS, Paul F.S. - The Azores hydroid fauna and its origin, with discussion of rafting and medusa suppression. (pp. 75-99)
PATZNER, Robert A., Ricardo S. SANTOS, PEDRO Ré & Richard D.M. NASH - Littoral fishes of the Azores: An annotated checklist of fishes observed during the "Expedition Azores 1989". (pp. 101-111)
GONÇALVES, João M., Leonor GALHARDO & João BRUM - Marine mammals stranded in the Azores during 1990-91. (pp. 113-118)
PORTEIRO, Filipe M. & Helen R. MARTINS - First finding of natural laid eggs from Loligo forbesi Steenstrup, 1856 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Azores. (pp. 119-120)