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A consequente exposição de pessoas aos diversos perigos naturais, tecnológicos e sociais, evidencia a necessidade de criar e desenvolver uma cultura de prevenção e mitigação dos perigos a que estamos expostos, e desta forma surge a importância de planear em qualquer vertente de modo a reduzir impactos económicos e sociais consequentes de um desastre ou acidente grave.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um plano de segurança interno de uma infraestrutura crítica, nomeadamente o edifício do Centro de Saúde de Ponta Delgada, sendo este elaborado de acordo com a regulamentação em vigor do Regime Jurídico e Regulamento Técnico de Segurança Contra Incêndio em Edifícios na Região Autónoma dos Açores.
O plano de segurança interno apresenta como componentes principais o plano de prevenção e o plano de emergência interno, onde se identificaram os perigos internos e externos suscetíveis de afetar o edifício e se definiram as equipas de segurança e os procedimentos a adotar numa situação de emergência, particularmente em caso de sismos, erupções vulcânicas, incêndio, ameaça de bomba, entre outros.
ABSTRACT: The consequent exposure of people to the various natural, technological and social hazards highlights the need to create and develop a culture of hazards prevention and mitigation, thus displaying the importance of planning in order to reduce economic and social impacts of a disaster or major accident. The main objective of this work was the development of an internal security plan for a critical infrastructure, namely the Ponta Delgada Health Center building. The security plan was elaborated according to the current regulations of the Legal Regime and the Building Regulations on Fire Safety on the Azorean Autonomous Region. The internal security plan is constituted by the prevention plan and the internal emergency plan, identifying the internal and external hazards that could affect the building. In addition, it also defines the safety teams and the procedures to be adopted in an emergency, particularly in case of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fires, bomb threats, among others.
ABSTRACT: The consequent exposure of people to the various natural, technological and social hazards highlights the need to create and develop a culture of hazards prevention and mitigation, thus displaying the importance of planning in order to reduce economic and social impacts of a disaster or major accident. The main objective of this work was the development of an internal security plan for a critical infrastructure, namely the Ponta Delgada Health Center building. The security plan was elaborated according to the current regulations of the Legal Regime and the Building Regulations on Fire Safety on the Azorean Autonomous Region. The internal security plan is constituted by the prevention plan and the internal emergency plan, identifying the internal and external hazards that could affect the building. In addition, it also defines the safety teams and the procedures to be adopted in an emergency, particularly in case of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fires, bomb threats, among others.
Mestrado em Vulcanologia e Riscos Geológicos.
Centro de Saúde de Ponta Delgada Plano de Segurança Interno Risco Sísmico Emergency Plan Internal Security Plan Self-Protection Measures
Ferreira, Nuno Miguel Rocha. "O planeamento de emergência em infraestruturas críticas: o caso do Centro de Saúde de Ponta Delgada". 2019. 129 p.. (Dissertação de Mestrado em Vulcanologia e Riscos Geológicos). Ponta Delgada: Universidade dos Açores, 2019. [Consult. Dia Mês Ano]. Disponível em www:<>.