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Le texte énumère les Facteurs individualisant du récipiendaire, lors de la cérémonie officielle de sa nomination au titre de Recteur de l'Université des Açores, selon l'ordre du vers latin: forma, figura, locus, tempus, stirps, patria, nomen, qualités par lesquelles il l'identifie et le désigne. Il relevé les aspects fondamentaux de son PROJET, offert à la communauté universitaire qui l'a élu, et notamment: les Principes qui l'inspirent- 1) l'Université est une institution de mérite scientifique, 2) un organe de création et de transmission du savoir, 3) un puissant facteur de l'universalité des Açores; les Vecteurs qui l'animent- 1) Révision des plans d'études (création, entre autres, d'un cours de sociologie), 2) priorité à donner aux installations de l'Université. On analyse également, à grands traits, I'INSTITUTION: 1) Problématique de l'Université sous l'aspect de l'autonomie acquise, de la spécialisation intégrée et de la contribution au développement régional; 2) Profil de l'universitaire, dont se détachent quelques traits particuliers - rationalité, scientificité, attitude pédagogique et disposition morale.
ABSTRACT: The text refers to the Special Notes on the person presented, on his taking of office of the Rectorship of the University of the Azores, following the Latin verse - forma, figura, locus, tempus, stirps, patria, nomen that identify and distinguish him. It specifies fundamental aspects of his Project, offered to the University community, which elected him, namely the Principles that inspired it: 1) the University is an institution of scientific worth; 2) it is an organ for the creation and transmission of knowledge; 3) it is a key factor for the University of the Azores. The principle lines of action are: 1) the revision of the curriculum (the introduction of a Sociology course, among others); 2) priority given to the University installations. A broad analysis of the Institution is included: 1) the question of the University from the point of view to acquired autonomy, of integrated specialization, and the contribution to local development; 2) the Profile of the University academic, stressing some particular features- rationality, scientific quality, pedagogic outlook and moral attitude.
ABSTRACT: The text refers to the Special Notes on the person presented, on his taking of office of the Rectorship of the University of the Azores, following the Latin verse - forma, figura, locus, tempus, stirps, patria, nomen that identify and distinguish him. It specifies fundamental aspects of his Project, offered to the University community, which elected him, namely the Principles that inspired it: 1) the University is an institution of scientific worth; 2) it is an organ for the creation and transmission of knowledge; 3) it is a key factor for the University of the Azores. The principle lines of action are: 1) the revision of the curriculum (the introduction of a Sociology course, among others); 2) priority given to the University installations. A broad analysis of the Institution is included: 1) the question of the University from the point of view to acquired autonomy, of integrated specialization, and the contribution to local development; 2) the Profile of the University academic, stressing some particular features- rationality, scientific quality, pedagogic outlook and moral attitude.
Universidade dos Açores Autonomia Eleição do Reitor
CARMO, Francisco - Autonomia da universidade: eleição do Magnífico Reitor. "ARQUIPÉLAGO. Ciências Sociais", N.º 6 (1991): 59-76.