Almeida, Onésimo Teotónio2020-09-262020-09-261990ALMEIDA, Onésimo Teotónio - Açores: o futuro e a doce tirania do passado. "ARQUIPÉLAGO. Ciências Sociais", N.º 5 (1990): 205-214.0871-4371 Azores are presently feeling a two-way pull – a political one attracting them towards Europe, which they will have to follow along with Portugal, and an entropic tendency towards a maintenance of the old ways. There is an acute need to reflect seriously upon what must be given up in the name of progress and what must be preserved as part of the region's identity. Careful thinking and planning could transform apparent liabilities in terms of «underdevelopment» into assets marketable among tourists attracted to unspoiled environments.porIdentidade CulturalSociedade AçorianaTurismoAçores : o futuro e a doce tirania do passadojournal article