Muzavor, Sadat Xá2017-11-302017-11-301980-07MUZAVOR, Sadat Xá (1980). Radiolários das formações mesozoicas da Baviera (R.F.A.). "Arquipélago. Série Ciências da Natureza", 1: 113-125. research paper deals with the description of five species of Radiolaria, two of which are new. The material here studied was collected in the Oberaudorf area. Oberaudorf is a small village situated around 80 Km E.S.E. away from Munich in the very geosynclinal alpine area, in which meso cenozoic formations are predominant (Fig. l)*. These formations are mainly «flysch»-type deposits which contain several layers of limestone and graywacke with intercalations of thin silica beds, some of which are true radiolarites.porRadiolariaProtozoário AmebóideRadiolariansRadiolários das formações mesozóicas da Baviera (R.F.A.)journal article