Fialho, PauloMüller, ThomasHenzing, BasDell'Aqua, AlessandroEleftheriadis, KostasFilep, AgnesMarinoni, AngelaMocnik, GrisaRondo, LindaVirkkula, AkiWiedensohler, AlfredLeeuw, Gerrit2013-09-042013-09-042010-09Fialho, Paulo; Müller, T.; Henzing, B.; Dell'Aqua, A.; Eleftheriadis, K.; Filep., A.; Marinoni, A.; Mocnik, G.; Rondo, L.; Virkkula, A.; Wiedensohler, A.; Leeuw, G. (2010). "Results of the Ambient Air Experiments during the EUSAAR 2009 Absorption Photometer Workshop", «8th International Aerosol Conference», Helsinki, Finland, August 29-September 3, 2010. Aerosol Conference 2010. Helsinki, Finland, August 29-September 3.Develop methodologies to compensate for apparent absorption caused by scattering dueto the use of filter matrix support.engAerossol AtmosféricoAtmospheric AerosolAmbient Air ExperimentsResults of the Ambient Air Experiments during the EUSAAR 2009 Absorption Photometer Workshop.conference object2013-08-08